Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

As the weather was hot outside, we were blessed to have had an Ice Cream Sundae Bar scheduled to CeLeBrate a great accomplishment of our sister, Paula. So excited that she has graduated and has been blessed with a job already! God is so faithful to those who are faithful to Him.

We put these invitations in the bathrooms and at the mailboxes in our church for those who attend our fellowship. Since we didn't have to make a lot of them, we decided to go with fun and, well, FUN! : ) Using real waffle bowls, we made these sundaes stick right off the paper. The ice cream was created by using cotton balls and then real sprinkles were glued on. Don't forget the cherry on the top made with a very small pom pom and a green sprinkle.

Now for the party! We hung pom pom cones from the ceiling and hung a banner across the back that said "Celebrate!". The table was filled with all sorts of toppings, both sauces and candies, sprinkles and cherries.

Paula and her children enjoying their ice cream treats!

Don't forget the whipped cream!

And these were our table decorations. Made to look like real sundaes, these little center-pieces were adorable replicas. A tutorial on these sundaes and pictures on how to make the hanging cones can be found here.

CeLeBrations don't always have to be the fanciest, biggest and most spectacular party. Sometimes with a special treat and great friends to sit and visit with, that makes the CeLeBration a blessing and memorable time. I believe that was the case with this one. Congratulations Paula and next time we see you, we will get a picture of the three of us! : )

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