On to the program in case anybody is interested in doing something similar.
The children sang a song about the Fruit of the Spirit, then they each memorized Scripture that talked about each individual Fruit. I can send more details to anyone who wants the program in words and song.

One Dark Night is a favorite book of our family's, and we decided to make it into a play with the mouse, mole, and bear that are in the story. It's a tale about friendship, kindness, and self control. To add just a little more to the play we wrote a song to go along with the story. It really turned out cute and everyone seemed to enjoy it all.
The children passed out their party favors and thanked their guests for coming to their program. The party favors were brown lunch bags filled with a jar of apple butter and a loaf or muffins of pumpkin bread. The bag was clipped shut with a green, ceramic apple that the children painted and glued onto a clothes pin.
Casie and her family with Christi's children.
Then we always take pictures of the children with their guests. It's a memorable event, and I love capturing this party each year with their family and friends. It's a great way to see how they've grown from one year to the next and CeLeBrate their accomplishments!
This party gets my vote! I love the colors, cake pops and even the shed as a backdrop! Cute, ladies!!!